North Carolina Board of Elections
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Recent News About North Carolina Board of Elections
GOP candidate: North Carolina absentee ballot changes 'smacks of subterfuge'
The North Carolina State Board of Elections' decision to rewrite election laws despite a judge's order and legislative intent "smacks of subterfuge and cheating," Richard Rivette, a Republican candidate for the state House of Representatives, said.
Absentee voters handing in ballots flood North Carolina Board of Elections offices
With increased absentee voting and many voters choosing to hand in their ballots in-person due to concerns regarding the U.S. Postal Service, board of elections offices across the state are seeing a lot more business than usual.
From North Triangle News
North Carolina's Berger: 'This is a full-frontal assault on election integrity laws'
A settlement between the North Carolina Board of Elections and national Democrats over a lawsuit filed about absentee ballots rewrites election law passed by the General Assembly, a Republican state senator said.
From Old North News
North Carolina GOP elections board members resign, allege 'bullying,' 'deceitful tactics'
Two Republican state Board of Elections members resigned in September over what they claimed was "bullying and deceitful tactics" from other board members staffers, governor and the state attorney general — all Democrats.