Town of Weddington issued the following announcement on Jul. 23.
Weddington has 2 Council seats (District 1 and District 3) and Mayor open for the November 2, 2021 Municipal Elections. The Candidate filing period begins at noon on Monday, July 26 and ends at noon on Friday, August 13. All candidates must file to run for office at the Union County Board of Elections at 316-B East Windsor Street in Monroe. To be eligible to file for office, candidates must be 21 years old on Election Day, be registered voters of the municipality at the time they file for office, and reside within the municipal corporate limits. For an office that is elected by district, candidates must reside within the district. No candidate may file for more than one municipal office during the same election. Each candidate will also be required to answer a question about any previous felony convictions and requires disclosure of any convictions. Filing fees are set by municipal governing bodies at $5 and must be paid by check, credit card, or debit card
Original source can be found here.
Source: Town of Weddington